Code of ethics

At facts & feelings, we are focused on helping businesses light their path to desired outcomes through greater focus and deeper understanding rather than the endless pursuit of more data and software.

We look to the following foundational values to guide our actions:

  • Less and better: We believe that growth is derived not from projects and activities but through focus and understanding.

  • Valuing Value: We work in pursuit of measurable growth as well as greater understanding of the drivers and obstructions of growth.

  • Good Faith: We assume that our teammates and clients are employing research and analytics with common goals and intentions.

  • Problems Before Solutions: We resist the urge to leap towards solutions because we believe that problems are the fulcrum of growth.

  • Resisting Bias: We are on the lookout for bias in its many forms and work to minimize the degree to which it obstructs evidence-based thinking and doing.

We aspire toward 100% compliance with our ethical standards. As Clayton Christensen taught in his book, How Will You Measure Your Life, it is easier to hold to one’s principles 100 percent of the time than it is to hold to them 98 percent of the time. The boundary—one’s personal moral line—is powerful because one doesn’t cross it; if one justifies compromising ethical standards once, there's nothing to stop one from doing it again (paraphrased).

To this end, we believe in being honest and in fully obeying the laws where we operate. How we act is core to our success in helping businesses light their path to desired outcomes through greater focus and deeper understanding. We hold ourselves to high decision-making standards.

We welcome your comments about our Code of Ethics. Please reach out to us at

Effective Date: March 18, 2024